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Stability - Week of March 16th

How can we prepare a structured, disciplined, reliable environment so that the children can relax and be at their most creative during this unprecedented time away from school? Many of us have never been parent teachers before so I invite you to make day 1 all about orientation. Ask your toddlers what makes them happy? For many of us we have older kids in the mix too so ask your older kids what they love to do at school. Which subjects they struggle with? Do they have any ideas to incorporate into the homeschool routine? Get a conversation going first thing and make any adjustments to the schedule on the previous page that you see fit. Some other ideas…

A set meal plan with your kids:

Come up with ways that they can help prepare snacks, lunch and dinner each day. Have them go through a cookbook and look up recipes. You can even do a set meal plan for this month to encourage repetition, providing an opportunity to master a skill. Ideas:

  • Pancakes - Have your older child work together with your younger child, the older kid measures and the younger child stirs.

  • Peeling hard boiled eggs

  • Chopping - plastic knives to cut tofu, bananas or cucumbers.

  • Preparing smoothies by washing fruits and veggies, then chopping up into chunks or ripping up kale leaves to add in

  • Sandwiches - give them bread, a bit of jelly and nut butter for them to spread on their own.

Circle time:

what songs are they learning in school? For younger kids this is a good time to sing songs for older kids this is a good time to map out the day. Meg and Alan have started a youtube channel to keep your kids engaged. The videos are available at any time so feel free to repeat and also feel no pressure to stick to a time.


These projects can take any age appropriate form and for added fun, you can pull them from a hat! Here is a list of chore charts listed by age group. If you would like more direction, please connect with us.

Room Decor:

Where will your lessons be held? Where will art projects be done? Mapping out your space can add independence and structure to your new program. Can you clear a shelf for your kids dedicated workbooks or projects?

Sensory bins:

for younger kids these are great for focused play. Beans and cups, rice and spoons, water and basters, bubbles and bubble wands…

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